
Create Your Own Kaiju Monster

It's my turn, believe it!

Name: Titanus Mukade/Akazu

Gender: Male (females also exist as a species)

Height/Length: 20 meters at the shoulder, 350 meters long (fully grown members thought to exceed this size, but have to grow thousands of years)

Weight: 60 000 tons

Age: At least 800 years old, likely older


A giant centipede-like monster with red exoskeleton scales, ddozens, if not hundreds of long, clawed legs and long antennaes that detect chemical signals. It also possesses two pairs of front forcipules/claws: one massive, overgrown pair that it uses as limbs in combat and another smaller pair, more reminiscent of real centipede claws, which it uses to inject venom into its enemies.

Origins/Backstory: Akazu, or Titanus Mukade, is a giant species of centipede that dominated the would-be Asian continent during the Carboniferous period. In that era, it competed with other giant arthropod kaijus (which I will introduce later) for supremacy over territory, all the while enjoying a symbiotic relation with another species of Kaiju, Titanus Dominus, an ant-like population of kaiju. However, when the Permian period rolled around, the arthropod kaijus were fairly quickly outcompeted by new competitors. Titanus Dominus colonies took hiding in the underground, entering a long hibernation period,and with their greatest ally gone, the Akazu faced extinction. Only a few survived by hiding in large mountains, in which they hid and fed on other Akazus and unsuspecting kaijus that wandered by, until all kaijus entered a long slumber. Akazu joined them as well. It was not until the 13th century that any Akazu would ever come back to the surface, when a young, juvenile Akazu wandered outside the protection of the underground and terrorized a local village, an act which cost its life when a Samurai from the Kamakura clan was sent to kill it. In 2014, an adult (at least thought to be) Titanus Mukade awoke from its slumber and rampaged across Tohoku alongside a colony of Titanus Dominus which saw the opportunity to reemerge.

Abilities: As an apex predator and kaiju of the Carboniferous, Akazu possesses immense strength, durability, armour and most importantly speed. Using its numerous legs, it can travel across virtually any terrain at high speeds capable of overtaking the fastest bullet trains in Japan, using its long body to cross even large holes and cliffs and using its clawed legs as climbing hooks to scale mountains and ravines. It uses its speed to run down and assault prey it spots with its antennae, which serve as chemical receptors. Once locked in combat, its legs serve not only as means of movement but also weapons which it uses to grasp onto its foe and wrap around it to wrestle it down, almost like a snake. Its main pair of weapons, however, is its elongated front claws which increase in size once the Akazu reaches maturity. In combat, they're used almost like pickaxes, swung wildly and violently in an attempt to skewer or batter the enemy into nothingness. If an enemy is unlucky enough to be caught by the front claws and survive, a far worse fate awaits: the smaller pair of claws hold a deadly neurotoxin that shuts down the victim's nervous system and liquifies their flesh from the inside. This venom is powerful enough to completely immobilize other kaijus like Akazu himself. Finally, Akazu can concentrate its venom into a corrosive acid stream for a long-ranged attack, a trait it has developed to fight its most bitter rival, the Jorogumo, Titanus Matriarch.

Weakness(es): While a voracious and seemingly unstoppable force, Akazu, in the end, a giant hungry centipede. It doesn't think much before charging into combat and has no particular sense of strategy other than following the orders of the more cunning and sophisticated Dominus ant. Members of the species can communicate through the use of pheromones, both with each other and with their ant allies, but these communications are far from intricate and are more like basic exchanges of thoughts and orders. The biggest weakness of Akazu by far is its weakness to Immunoglobulin A, an antibacterial cell found notably in human saliva. Akazu keeps its immense size thanks to a special type of bacteria that aids its oxygen intake, a bacteria that can be killed by a too large amount of said antimicrobial agent. If too much IgA is sprayed upon Akazu, his microbian supporters will perish and with them the Akazu, who will suffocate to death.

Additional info: Akazu is supposed to be a "champion" like entity in a series of monsters I've designed, something like a massive, powerful warrior that aids the Dominus colonies in exchange for food and protection, almost like a mercenary.

Create Your Own Kaiju Monster


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